Begin the Highlights: Massachusetts

There is no way at this point that I can produce thoughtful entries on each place/town we've visited. Correction: I do not have any desire at this point to produce thoughtful entries on each place/town we've visited. We will be home on Friday. I can tell myself that I can catch up when we're back home, but who are we kidding. I am taking advantage of this snowy morning in Salt Lake City to jot down some highlights so that when Facebook reminds me every year about this trip I can at least remember what we did. I do have plenty of thoughts/themes that have been stewing in my mind throughout this trip. I will make those posts a priority when we get home. HOME!!

Massachusetts Highlights: Hop-On-Off Tour. Boston Tea Party Ship tour and museum. Boston Commons. Dropped Jeff off at the airport. Plimoth Plantation, Plymoth Rock
It was only a short drive from Maine to Boston. We took full advantage of our morning with Jeff before we sent him off to Pittsburgh to watch the Seahawks game. If you're ever on a history tour of Boston, I recommend the Boston Tea Party Ship. Yes, is a revolutionary war era recreation with costumes and re-enactors but it's pretty well-done. They've built replica ships that are located on Boston Harbor near the sight of the actual Boston Tea Party. We walked throughout the ship and the kids got to throw replica boxes of tea over the side of the boat. The next day we visited Plimoth Plantation where we saw a replica villages of the settlers of Plymoth and the Wampanoag people. This was pretty great because the kids got to interact with the reenactors who actually were well versed in the history of the people and area. They got to play a few games of "find the bean" as well. Plymoth Rock was underwhelming as all the signs and tour guides will tell you that no one is certain that the rock they have called Plymoth Rock is the actual rock the settlers used as a make-shift pier when they arrived. It is, however, the only rock that was ever found in the area that fits the description in their journals.


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