From Pacific to Atlantic

Day 12
We left Albany on the only rainy morning of our trip. We chose a slightly longer route to Maine so that we could drive through Vermont and New Hampshire. Though technically filling my requirements for having visited a state (either stayed in or driven through), we saw nothing but side roads and trees. To quote comedian Mitch Hedberg, if the stretches of VT and NH we drove through were representations of each state, they probably represented an equivalent of the, "Donate to Charity" slice on a pie chart titled, "What You Would Do if You Won $1 Million." Sorry, Vermont and New Hampshire. Fortunately, some enterprising person opened a singular gift shop along the road we were on which allowed me to buy "authentic" Vermont swag including a jug of maple syrup, Vermont cheese, and some banging maple ice cream. New Hampshire had no such entrepreneurs capitalizing on road tripping tourists thus leaving me basically nothing on which to comment. On the bright side, I loved Maine so much we will probably make our way back to this corner of the country again in my lifetime and I will have an opportunity for a do over.

Now... MAINE. Oh, how I love you! Reaching this northeast corner of the States felt like victory. We did it! We drove from the northwest corner to the northeast corner of the United States! Victory = FEAST. Somewhere in New Hampshire I set the GPS to "Kennebunkport, Restaurant, Lobster Rolls." The Google did not disappoint. We pulled into what looked like a restaurant for locals behind the main street that had most of the more touristy places in town. I failed to take a picture of the restaurant so I can't remember what it was called. But I remember with great fondness my chowder and lobster roll. (*sigh*... lobster roll...)

After feasting we drove around town and just pulled alongside cool looking places. We found a beautiful old church and outdoor seaside chapel to remember those lost at sea and a kid friendly beach where the kids could jump the waves. Anytime I can bring our children to the ocean I well up with joy in my heart at the sheer pleasure they take playing in the waves. So far they have splashed in the chilly waters of the Pacific in the northwest, the warmer waters of the Pacific in Mexico, the clear blue waters of the Sulu Sea as we island hopped throughout Palawan, Philippines, and now the northeastern corner of the US in the Atlantic. I couldn't ask for a better way celebrate this milestone of driving corner to corner across my beautiful country.

I take that back. One thing did make this celebration better: whole Maine lobster. (*sigh... lobster...). As Jeff and I looked at the beauties on our plates, all we could do was giggle, high five, and declare what an amazing trip this had been.

As I consider what the educational value of this portion of the trip might be -- since this is a home school trip after all -- it could be this: Acknowledge the goodness of life when you experience it. Splash in its waters. Savor its flavors. Declare your gratitude out loud. Not everyday is like this day. Thank you, Maine!


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